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Services at Boise Barbell


Olympic Weightlifting

Strength. Community. Character.

Join Boise Barbell's weightlifting team and increase your Snatch, Clean and Jerk and compete for local, national, and international prowess.


Sports Performance

Speed. Power. Performance.

Our Boise Strength Program is a unique Strength and Conditioning focus which utilizes weightlifting movements along with speed/agility techniques designed to increase strength, athleticism, and on-field performance!

Sports Injury

Flexibility and Regeneration Session

Recover Today to PR Tomorrow

30 minute session to promote recovery on areas causing improper movement, discomfort, or chronic irritation.  Sessions may include assisted stretching, rolling, cupping, scrapping, flossing, and/or thera-gun.

Lifting Barbell

Mental Performance Coaching

Strengthen your mindset so you can perform at your best!

Mental performance coaching uses tools from sports psychology and applies them to your training, competition, and injury recovery.  We can do all the training in the world, but if the mindset is off we can’t lift like we know we can!  The good news is we can strengthen our mindset and learn mental skills to overcome our obstacles.  

In mental performance coaching we can work on things like building confidence, managing nerves, and learning how to focus.  Together we create a custom mindset game plan to help you succeed!  Coaching sessions can be in-person, over the phone, or video chat. If you’re ready to work on your mindset, get in touch with Coach Kerry!”

Chicken Shish Kebab

Performance Nutrition

Fuel for a Champion

Optimal Macro %'s
Proper Cutting

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